Springs Back and so are Longer Days
Welcome again to the latest edition of my newsletter. It’s been a very busy start of the year with many new faces, which is excellent, but more importantly on my part, preparation for my wedding in May. I will be taking time off from Wednesday 16th May to Thursday 4th June for this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
There has also been a date set for this years Cancer Research event I hold annually. As time is limited to organize a lot, the team have decided to hold a disco at AFC Kempston on Saturday 11th August, which will also have a BBQ, raffle and auction over the evening. The annual football tournament will take place the following day at the same venue. Teams are £60 each, so if interested please get in touch and keep Saturday 11th August free!
Shoulder Instability Rehabilitation
Shoulder problems are common in everyday life, and with the shoulder joint, or gleno-humeral joint, being the most unstable, this is no surprise. The joint is a ball and socket joint, made up of the head of the humerus as the ball and the glenoid fossa, of the scapula bone, being the socket it fits into. The shoulder also has 2 other joints which make up the shoulder girdle, these being the acromio-clavicular joint and the sterno-clavicular joints¹.
Around these joints are many ligaments from the muscles that produce the masses of movements available at the shoulder joints. These movements in the various directions and planes recruit many muscles and so damage is common in many different parts of the joints.
To assess the shoulder a therapist may imply a number of diffrerential tests to figure out the source of the problem. Ranges of motion in the various movements also gives a good indication of any damage that may have occurred. This allows a suitable rehabilitation program for the specific injury at hand.
Exercises to be performed would include stretching, strengthening and proprioceptive exercises². A few involved are listed below:-
- Chest stretch in a doorway
- Sleeper Stretch
- Shoulder extensions
- Rotator cuff muscle strengthening
- Three and four point kneeling scapular control
These are just some exercises and a specific programme needs to be designed for each individuals needs. Feel free to get in touch for advice and guidance for any shoulder pains you may encounter.
Running Research
Medial tibial stress syndrome, more commonly called shin splints, is a very common running injury and is brought about by over excessive running on hard ground³. It may cause uncomfort in other areas of the body, such as the feet as the body biomechanically changes to cope with the damage in the front of the lower leg area. Rehabilitation may include slight rest, icing protocols and stretching, though it is important to get advice prior to trying to resolve the problem by yourself.
Eating the correct food is very beneficial to running. The consumption of carbohydrates is essential, but the time of intake also make a difference. ‘Carbohydrate loading’ is a commonly used strategy. It ensures muscle glycogen levels are fully stored prior to a run and exercise is also minimised so the stores stay full for the main event4. 10-12 g/kg/day over the 36-48 hour period prior to the race is the general guideline for carbohydrate loading, but this needs to be discussed with a nutritionist or dietician.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a condition that arises from exercise-induced muscle fatigue over a prolonged period5. It is more common in females and generally found between the ages of 20 and 40. It is characterised by over exercising and pain during the excessive exercise. It may cause sleep disturbances, joint pain and headaches, amongst others. If you feel your exercise regime is causing a lot of issues, consult your doctor.
Quick Facts
1. Train for endurance in the morning and strength in the afternoon to maximize hormone peaks
2.Scrambled eggs for breakfast help speed up metabolism and satiate your hunger for longer.
3.Avoid blisters with new footwear by wearing thin under-socks with vasceline in pressure areas.
1. Horsley, I., Is it Really a Shoulder Problem?, SportEx Medicine, April 2011, Issue 48, pp. 8-12.
2. Morgan, R., Shoulder Instability Rehabilitation, A Case Study, SportEx Medicine, October 2011, Issue 50, pp. 14-19.
3. Elias, J., Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, SportEx Medicine, January 2012, Issue 51, pp. 7-14.
4. Burke, L.M., Nutritional Strategies for the Marathon, Sports Medicine 2007, Vol. 37 Issue 4/5, p344-349.
5. Www.meassociation.org.uk